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Entity Recognition Research in Online Medical Texts
SU Ya, LIU Jie, HUANG Yalou
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2016, 52 (1): 1-9.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2016.020
Abstract1545)   HTML    PDF(pc) (1120KB)(1917)       Save

The authors design recognition features with the consideration of medical field characteristic for the online medical text, and the experiment of the entity recognition is carried out on the self-built data set. Concerned about five common diseases: gastritis, lung cancer, asthma, hypertension and diabetes. In the experiment, an advanced machine learning model Conditional Random Field is used for training and testing. The target entities include five kinds: disease, symptoms, drugs, treatment methods and check. The effectiveness of the proposed features is verified by using the experimental method, and the accuracy of the total 81.26% is obtained and the recall rate is 60.18%. Subsequently, the further analysis is given for the recognition features.

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Relationship between Faux Pas Comprehension, Social Interaction Skill and Languagein School-Age Children
MO Shuliang,SU Yanjie,ZHOU Zongkui
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract581)            Save
Ninety-two children of 9-11 years old were measured on Faux Pas comprehension, social interacting skill and language ability. The task was developed to measure individuals’understanding of epistemo logical mental state, emotion and desire. Children’s social skill was measured using the method of Peer-Rated Social-Interaction Skill. Language ability was assessed with Wechsler Child Intelligence Scale-Revised (Chinese version). The results show significant correlations between Faux Pas comprehension and social interaction skill, and between Faux Pas comprehension and language ability, after controlling for age. Regression analysis show a bidirectional relationship between Faux Pas comprehension and social interaction skill. Hierarchical regression analysis show that language ability is a fully mediated factor in the relationship between Faux Pas comprehension and social interaction skill.
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The Development of 5- to 8-Year-Olds' Theory of Mind
WANG Yan SU Yanjie
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract740)            Save
This study aimed to explore the developmental sequence of theory of mind after age 5, and to examine the relationship among different components of theory of mind. Picture-story method was used and four theory-of-mind tasks, including first-order false belief, second-order false belief, interpretive theory of mind and faux pas understanding were carried out. The results indicate that 5-year-olds can wonderfully understand first-order false belief. Interpretive theory of mind and second-order false belief understanding develope at similar age, 6-8 year old is the critical developing period for both of them. 6-year-olds can detect faux pas, but even 8-year-olds can not understand the cognitive and emotion components in faux pas. Drawn on the correlation and regression results, the first-order false belief understanding seem to be the foundation of the later developed interpretive theory of mind, second-order false belief understanding and faux pas understanding.
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Relationship between Talking about Others While Reminiscing and the Emergence of Theory of Mind in Chinese Preschoolers
LU Huijing,SU Yanjie
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract603)            Save
To illustrate the relationship between the content of reminiscing and the ability of reasoning others? mental state, 74 children of 3-to 4-year-old were asked to talk about their experience and complete a set of theory of mind tasks. The results showed that compared to those of previous western researches, Chinese children mentioned little about emotion and mental state; children who mentioned larger number of other individuals in their autobiographical memory, showed better performance on theory of mind task, even when age and language ability were partial out. Chinese children are used to talk about past events in the interaction with others, and such reminiscing pattern may correlate to children?s ability of reasoning about others? mental state. These results may suggest the impact of culture on autobiographical memory.
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Career Identity Achievement and Its Correlated Factors of Individualin Their First Employment
LIU Qiuying,SU Yanjie
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract700)            Save
This study aimed to explore career identity achievement and its correlated factors of individual's first employment in the changing organization and working environment. 158 employees in their first employment rated each item of the career identity achievement questionnaire, work stressor questionnaire, work experience source questionnaire, information of self-efficacy source questionnaire, and Chinese Self-Efficacy Scale. 152 questionnaires were returned validly. The results shows that there are negative correlation between career identity achievement and work stressor, r=-0.476(p<0.01), positive correlation between career identity achievement and work experience which come from different approaches, r=0.444(p<0.01), positive correlation between career identity achievement and the information of self-efficacy which come from different approaches, r=0.407(p<0.01). The sum of the indirect affect to career identity achievement which comes from working years was 0.21, and working years explained 4.55% variation of career identity achievement. The results also show that working years might significantly influence career identity achievement(F(2,151)=10.82, p<0.001) and role conflict(F(2,151)=21.20, p<0.001), and might affect the relationship of role conflict and career identity achievement. It suggested that the exploration and effort were active to career identity achievement.
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Myth of the Most Frequently Used Cultural Frames: A Critical Look at Individualism/Collectivism and Independent/Interdependent Self-Construals
WANG Qian,SU Yanjie
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract942)            Save
The most frequently used frames to explain cultural differences in psychological functioning between Americans and Asians have been individualism-collectivism and, more recently, independent-interdependent self-construals. The conceptualization and assessment of these two frames as well as the empirical evidence for and against their validity and utility in cultural comparisons are reviewed. Also discussed is how the two frames are related to each other, what are the limitations of these frames as they are currently conceptualized and assessed in capturing both similarities and differences in psychological functioning between Americans and Asians, and future directions for refinement of these frames as well as for theoretical and methodological advances in cultural research.
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Relationships of Gender Role and Fundamental Personality Dimensions
LU Qin,SU Yanjie
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract901)            Save
Since Bem brought forward the theory of androgyny and constructed Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) in 1974, social gender role has become a focused point in psychological researches. The authors explored the relationships of university students\' gender role and Chinese fundamental personality dimensions with revised BSRI and QZPS (Qingnian Zhongguo Personality Scale). 600 undergraduates students from four universities in two cities acted as subjects. The results showed that significant positive correlations were among the masculinity and extroversion, talent, honest; femininity and good-heartedness, interpersonal relations; But no significant correlations were found among masculinity, femininity and emotionality.
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Theory of Mind—A Broad and Challenging Research Field
WANG Qian,SU Yanjie,LIU Lihui
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract236)            Save
This article reviews a great number of researches on “theory of mind” during the past twenty years;summarizes the results of studies concerning different aspects of the topic;and discusses the problems and prospects in this research field.
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Theory of Mind—A Broad and Challenging Research Field
WANG Qian,SU Yanjie,LIU Lihui
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract755)            Save
This article reviews a great number of researches on “theory of mind” during the past twenty years;summarizes the results of studies concerning different aspects of the topic;and discusses the problems and prospects in this research field.
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